
November 27-December 2, 2022
November 14-18, 2022
Monday, November 7-Thursday, November 10, 2022
October 31-November 4
October 24-28, 2022
October 17-21, 2022 - A Normal Week!
October 10-14, 2022
October 3 - 7, 2022
September 19-23, 2022
September 12 - 16, 2022
Happy rainy Sunday! Thank you for your attendance at Back to School Night on Wednesday evening. We appreciate your attendance, recognizing that it is a lot of information presented in a short period of time. My hope is that you left school that night with confidence that your students are in good hands!
Green sheets are going spectacularly well! Thank you for diligently signing these even though you are happily seeing that assignments are being turned in. If your student does NOT have his/her hardcover textbooks covered with book socks this week, I will be adding a missing assignment but will delete it once the books are covered.
This week, we begin standardized testing with a new system, MAPS Growth NWEA. You can learn a little more about it at www.nwea.org. The schedule has set aside Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a class period of testing, and Mrs. Meehan has worked her magic to ensure that a balanced week of classes are scheduled for anything missed due to testing and the early dismissal on Friday for DFE.
The routines of the new school year appear to be going smoothly. In LA, the students took a miniquiz on checked homework from halfway through the Nouns unit and we have started on a review of possessive nouns. In Bluebirds and Kestrels, we are finishing Nine, Ten by Nora Raleigh Baskin. In 7th grade C.S.Lewis the students are preparing text evidence for an upcoming structured essay, creating What is the American Dream slideshows, and examining survivor stories from 9/11 as part of our Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes novel study. In Relgion, we are taking the Chapter 1 quiz on Tuesday. There was a chapter question study guide for an assignment last week so everyone should be well-prepared!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Morgan