October 17-21, 2022 - A Normal Week!

Weekly update for October 17-21, 2022!  I hope everyone enjoyed this gorgeous weekend!
Rm.9 led a wonderful Mass on Friday. I will email the file of photos to the Rm. 9 families. For your calendar notes, this upcoming Wednesday, Oct. 19, there is a picture make-up day if your student missed picture day or you didn't love the photo your student brought home last week. (I thought they were were such great pictures! Those smiles! You can't help but smile back.) On Friday the 21st, there are House meetings, so have your 6th grader wear the regular uniform with the pin, since the new shirts (polo-style) are on order. The Social is after school on Friday as well!  I am excited to be there, since I missed the Neon social! Next week, Race for Education is Wednesday the 26th. Friday the 28th has an early dismissal so we can do DFE tasks, and in the evening we have Trunk or Treat!  Looking ahead to November, be sure that your student has pants and a sweater for the Winter Uniform change on November 2. 
For academic notes, this is the week that Word Study will join LA 6 classes. Each student was assessed in SJ and DC levels and I have a starting point and routine for everyone. If your student placed out of Word Study, he/she will have Vocabulary which may occasionally be referred to as Word Study. We will do two sorts in ten day rotations, all beautifully planned in an organized way by Mrs. Stocker. Additionally, the recent Nouns test will have an opportunity for an  extra credit assignment, which will reinforce and practice the skills. In Reading 6, we will be moving this week to literature circles with our class books and will finish our studies of these books in two weeks. Next, we will be reading Unplugged by Gordon Korman as a 6th grade community read. Reading 7 will finish the trimester with analyzing the short story genre. Their first five-paragraph theme/text evidence essays are amazing!  In Religion 6, we are reading Chapter 4, https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/lpress-craft/files/col2016-files/Christourlife2016-study-gd-g6-ch4.pdf and take the quiz this week. A Unit 1 take-home test will be assigned on Thursday to be returned on Monday. 
That's it for the classes I teach!  Be sure to check Mrs. Meehan's, Mr. Baxter's, and Mrs. Pacheco's STM webpages as well for current information.  
Have a great week!  Please know how much I appreciate all of your kind emails and notes. It's because of you and your students (as noisy and chaotic as it can be sometimes!) that I grateful for my STM community!