November 15-19, 2021
Dear Families,
First, thank you so much for setting up virtual and in-person conferences! I always appreciate the opportunity to talk with students' families, and always leave school on those days with joy!
Some reminders:
Please pick up and send in a box of individually-packaged Advil tablets this week. This is the 6th grade donation to the Operation Turbo troop packages! Each grade is collecting donations toward some specific items: Starbucks VIA coffee packets, boxed BandAids, powder packets of Propel and/or Gatorade, the individually packaged Advil, and fruit leathers. Thank you! This is part of the November Virtue of Service!
There are two dress-down opportunities this week. Tomorrow (Monday) is a dress-down for students who came to Mass and back to the school for the Open House. Tuesday, there is a $1 fundraiser for Native American food assistance coordinated by Student Council.
The PowerSchool portal will be closing on Thursday. While I had many conversations about grades during conferences, if you have any concerns after Thursday, please send me an email.
Last, because we are not in-person learning on Monday, Nov. 22 and Tuesday, Nov. 23, students have "Asynchronous School Days". Students will find their Asynchronous Learning on Google Classroom. I will (for Rm. 9) post a "schedule" of the days and what "classes" they have. Students will need to return any assigned work by Tuesday, December 7th.
Some calendar items for your info:
Nov 22-23 - Asynchronous School Days
Nov 29 - Return to school after Thanksgiving Holidays
Dec. 3 - Report Cards go home
Dec 11 - STM Country Christmas
Dec 14 - 7pm Nativity Play in the Cathedral
Dec. 17 - Christmas Holiday begins
Academic News:
LA 6: We have finished our How-To Writing with two skills - creating a flowchart and another with writing a paragraph using transition words to show sequence. This week we will work on the Writing Skills portion of our unit. There will be Writing Skills test 2 on Wednesday.
Reading 6: Students will meet about their books on M and T, work on Vocabulary on Wednesday, read a play together on Thursday, and take the List 5 vocabulary quiz on Friday!
Religion 6: Last week we worked on our Virtue of Service video presentation, and will be picking back up with Jacob is Chosen By God this week. Students can anticipate taking the chapter study guide home with them on Tuesday and taking the quiz before Friday.
Reading 7: We are in our last week of reading Towers Falling. Our American Symbols slideshows are almost completed and we will be creating I AM poems and Word Cloud Art this week. Chapter Quotes for pages 141-174 and 174-223 are due this week in preparation for essay writing when we return.
Have a great week! Thank you again for meeting with me for conferences! I love being a part of your student's journey at STM.
Mrs. Morgan