Dear families of 6-9 homeroom, 6th grade Reading and LA and 7th grade Reading students,
Good evening! We should be ready for a pretty great week! Last week included the first band lesson, which will be outdoors weather permitting, with Mr. Ward, and this week we will have our first early dismissal. Each week we do a little something new and add a little more to our routines. Please note the dismissal times for this upcoming Friday's early release day:
Any changes to your student's current dismissal routine must be received in the STM office by 10:15am.
11:20 am - Blue Group Dismissed
11:30 am - Orange Group Dismissed
11:40 am - Purple Group Dismissed
14 days in, so far so good!
7th grade Reading: the students in 7-3 and 7-6 have completed two Home Assignments connected to our One Book, One Middle School. The student responses have been so GREAT to read! I hope that they have stimulated some good discussion. This week we will discuss two more vocabulary terms and receive a study guide for the New Kid "test", which will be taking the vocabulary words we have been learning and determining evidence in the book. In classwork, the students are practicing a skill called Synthesizing Information, and we are using close reading/text marking/annotating strategies on short passages. I follow up the short passages with a copy of the answer key, so that the students see if their text marking is matching up with the skill being taught. It might seem like baby work but annotating is a big part of 7th grade Reading for both fiction and nonfiction reading. The students have all logged into ReadTheory with their individual accounts, and should complete 5-10 quizzes per week.
6th grade Reading: the students in 6-9 and 6-7 are reading New Kid and have submitted good responses to the Home Assignment questions due each Friday. They will receive a study guide in class for their "New Kid" test, which will be based on the 6 vocabulary words we have studied and text evidence to demonstrate each vocab term. We have text-based Reading instruction on Mondays and Tuesdays, with Vocabulary on Wed and Fri and Storyworks on Thursdays. We have kept to the routine for the past two weeks and I see that the routine is working for the students!
6th grade Language Arts: We are finishing up Chapter 1 in Voyages, Nouns. The students have had two "miniquizzes" and will take the Chapter 1 test on Thursday. Last week the students learned about possessives, appositives, and nouns used as nouns and nouns used as verbs and nouns used as adjectives. We will complete the Chapter Review in class or for hw if not finished and we will check it in class on Tuesday. Wednesday gives us a bit more time to practice and then Thursday is the test.
Religion: We will begin Chapter 3, Everything God Created is Good. We took our Chapter 2 test on Friday and the Chapter 3 test will be next Tuesday, October 6. Religion class isn't a chore, it's pretty joyful, and the hard work we're doing on studying the Old Testament will show up in dozens of ways as your child continues to grow in faith and learn more about the Church.
Thank you so much for all you do!
Mrs. Morgan
Jodie Morgan
6-9 Homeroom Teacher
Sixth Grade Reading and Language Arts/ Seventh Grade Reading Teacher
St. Thomas More Cathedral School
105 N. Thomas St.
Arlington, Virginia 22203