Mrs. Veronica Donovan » Resources for Summer

Resources for Summer

Below are some resources to continue your child's reading over the summer: 

A few Sources for Reading Inspiration:


Ever used Good Reads to log the books you’ve read? Biblionasium is a kids version! Here is the link!    Kids can log the books you read to them and even write reviews for other kids to read! It’s so much fun to watch the list of books you have read (been read to) pile up. Be sure to keep daily story time as part of your routine. This is a crucial part of their development as readers!! 

Summer Reading Book Challenge- Use Your Library Part I

On top of that!! Did you know your local library has a Summer Reading Book Challenge? All of the local counties and cities participate! Take your kids to the library and sign them up! For Pre-readers, all of the books you read aloud to them count as well as books they read themselves. Enter contests, get prizes, and leave the summer with a free book of your choice. 

Here are the links for the Summer Reading Programs for several counties: :


Falls Church City:

Fairfax County:


Montgomery County: 

Use Your Library- Part II
Free e-books and audio books can be downloaded onto any device through your local library. All you need to get is the free "Libby App" and type in your library card number. 
You can get the app here or at your favorite app store!