The STM PTO is an organization that provides our community with many opportunities to get involved. We strive to inform and encourage our parents to participate in social events, increase volunteerism, and help raise funds for important programs and projects at the school. It is our firm belief that when parents are connected to the school, children do better.
The PTO requests that each family give their time to the school in the form of volunteer hours. There are many opportunities to volunteer, ranging in size and time required. We ask that each family commit to at least 20 hours of service during the school year (10 hours for single-parent families). 
Families unable to volunteer can opt to pay a fee of $100. At the end of the school year, any incomplete volunteer hours will be billed as service fees to FACTS accounts at a rate of $15 per unfulfilled hour. If distance learning is instituted for a substantial portion of the school year, the PTO will consider waiving or adjusting the service fee.