February 21-24, 2023
Happy President's Day!
First, to the class and room parents - thank you for the half-birthday flowers and gift card to my favorite birthday restaurant! I am so appreciative of this new tradition! Second, no surprise - the cough we're all sharing got so bad I went to urgent care and was diagnosed with a sinus infection and bronchitis. So, I'm supposed to rest rest rest and drink lots of water with my bagful of prescriptions from CVS but it means I'm missing...third, the Chinese Feast tomorrow (Tuesday) and possibly Ash Wednesday Mass on (you guessed it) Wednesday. I anticipate being back from my 72 hours on Thursday and we'll go to Stations of the Cross on Friday. It looks like Thursday's main activity is Band. I hope we get lots of photos from the Chinese Feast! This is such a wonderful event and so important to bring back now after three long years!
Academics this week:
Homework Board: the students all have a specially-designed Homework Board posted in their Homeroom Google Classroom. No more are the days of the quick photo posting at the end of the day. Please provide any feedback you have and let us know how you like it!
7th grade Reading: The students are reading Ben Mikelson's Touching Spirit Bear and are completing their own biographies, written by their selected biograpers, in the style of Nikki Grimes's Talkin' About Bessie. The biography planning sheets are due in class on Friday and a short quiz over Chapters 1-5 for Touching Spirit Bear will be given in class on Thursday.
6th Grade Kestrels: The students are preparing for individual book talks to be given in class beginning February 27th. Their planning sheet is in their Kestrels Google Classroom and will be due by March 3rd at the latest.
6th Grade Bluebirds: The students are halfway through Grace Lin's Where the Mountains Meet the Moon. In addition to reading the book, the students are creating their own graphic novel to sequence the plot.
6th Grade LA - Verbs, verbs, and more verbs - this week the students will finish Emphatic, Imperative, and Subjunctive Mood study, Modal Auxillary study, and begin preparations for their Verb test next Monday. The Verb Challenge for extra credit (highly recommend) will by due by March 1st.
Religion: Rm. 9 will take their Chapter 13 Quiz on Wednesday and begin Chapter 14. God Forgives Us. Interactive chapter reviews can be found at https://isr.loyolapress.com/col_g6_s13 with Stump the Shepherd!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Morgan