February 6 - 10, 2023

Dear Families,
Welcome to a pretty normal week!
Last week, Celebrating Catholic Schools Week was amazing, not only because we did ALL the things: Opening Mass and the Book Fair on Sunday, Prayer Service and Career Day talks on Monday, Dance Party on Tuesday, Red White and Blue Day and Patriotic Singalong on Wednesday, Bishop Burbidge's visit on Thursday and a half day, and the VIP Mass, sports jerseys, and Bingo - but also because we didn't have any snow days and I can recall a few Catholic Schools Week celebrations we didn't get to enjoy because of snow days!  We were so fortunate this year to have such a fun week at our school!
Mid-year Conferences: I have published more signups for conferences and they are open now to any 6-7 families and 7th grade families. Re: PowerSchool grades for the second trimester,  I have finally caught up with assignments turned in while I was out of school and grades are current. Thank you for your patience with that!  Here is the signup genius link for midyear conferences and I look forward to catching up with you in person or virtually! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4EABA729A5F94-mrs
Back now to a regular week, and a few dates for your calendar notes: Monday 2/6 is a normal day, Tuesday 2/7 is a Dress Down Day if your student won a Bingo Game (I will email a reminder to the people who received a DDD pass), Wednesday 2/8 is a DDD if your student has a February Birthday, and Friday 2/10 is a half day. Looking toward next week, Valentine's Day is on Tuesday, 2/14 and we hope everyone brings in/makes Valentines for his/her classmates.  More information to come about parties, but I expect we will have a party. Student Council is doing something fun as well. There is a half day on Friday, 2/17. There is no school on 2/20, and if you can believe it, Ash Wednesday Mass is on 2/22. Beginning March 1, Spring Uniform begins and students may wear shorts (navy or the PE shorts on Tuesdays).
Academic Classes:  After a week of fun activities celebrating our school community, it's time to make the most of the remaining weeks. Here's what we'll be doing in class:  LA 6 has a miniquiz on simple, progressing, and perfect tense verbs. Miniquizzes come from checked homework and serve as a review of the concept. Our newspaper article, how-to flowchart, and descriptive writing sentences are completed assignments by now. While we continue with Verbs, we will begin our Propaganda Unit, where we choose four types of commercial media (print ad, internet ad, radio ad, and TV ad) and identify persuasive writing techniques.  Reading 6 is finishing Sam Kean's The Disappearing Spoon (which raised all of our IQs about a hundred points higher) and is moving onto autobiographies/memoir writing. We will be reading Jerry Spinelli's Knots in My Yo-Yo String and selecting other autobiographies/memoirs to read independently. Reading 7 is finishing their independent novel unit on the theme of displacement, immigration slide shows (which are fantastic), and the read-aloud  Ask Me No Questions by Marina Boudhos. We will be moving onto biographies this month and will create an autobiography after the style of Nikki Grimes's Talkin' About Bessie. In Religion 6, we will take the Chapter 12 Quiz on Tuesday https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/lpress-craft/files/col2016-files/Christourlife2016-study-gd-g6-
It's going to be a great week!
Mrs. Morgan