March 28 - April 1, 2022
Happy 4th Sunday of Lent! Today is also known as Laetare Sunday, similar to Gaudete Sunday in Advent, where we can look toward and celebrate a little joy during the season of Lent. You can find some history and a few ideas for Lent and Easter at
A few STM community-wide notes:
First, STM is having a Golf Open for scholarships. More information can be found here: Golf Letter
Second, Catholic Relief Services Lenten Rice Bowls were sent home at the beginning of Lent. To facilitate collection, we've been asked to convert coins to cash or checks prior to bringing in coins. More information on CRS can be found here:
Last, STM provides access to FORMED. The Cathedral of Saint Thomas More has thoughtfully provided all school families with access to FORMED, which houses a plethora of resources and videos to learn more about our faith, the saints, and how to better walk with Christ. This is available to you at no charge.
To access this resource, please go to:
- Choose Sign Up
- Choose Parishioner
- Type Cathedral of St. Thomas More, then you will be able to enter your email and create a password.
We hope this will be a useful tool to help continue the faith formation of your family.
Rm. 9 Homeroom Academics and Classroom Updates: Going backward from last week, we attended the awesome Webb Telescope presentation on Friday afternoon, followed by attending Stations of the Cross, so 6-9 did NOT take the Chapter 14 Religion quiz, so we'll take it tomorrow during Religion, and then this week we will begin Chapter 15, God's Chosen People Enter the Promised Land. and for review and an interactive activity related to the chapter.
In Reading 6, the students are in literature circles with Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell and Journey of Little Charlie by Christopher Paul Curtis. Both of these books are wonderful and we will spend two more weeks enjoying activities while reading these well-written and thoughtful books. In LA 6, we concluded Adverbs and will be working on the Author Research Project and Business Letter units for Writing.
Reading 7: The seventh grade has started with Literature Circles as well, with Heat by Mike Lupica and The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. Ms. Johnson is leading The Outsiders group and Mrs. Morgan is leading the Heat group. However, hats off to your students, as they are completing the novels and activities independently.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Morgan