Jan 31-Feb 4, 2022
Dear STM families in Rm. 9 Homeroom, 6th grade LA and Reading, and 7-3 Reading:
Congratulations on making it through January, almost - between the Homestead Studies during the snow week, the emotionally draining fracas surrounding mask options, and the lunch location changes, it has been a very long month indeed. But, to our credit (yours, mine, and your children's) we are made of tough stuff and with faith in our fearless school leaders, hope that this will be over someday, and love for our neighbor (these three!) we persevere.
Happy Catholic Schools Week! Activity schedules are available on nearly every electronic platform we have, but I'll add an abbreviated one here as well to cover all of the bases:
Sunday - Celebrating Our Parish: Mass at 9am and Book Fair*
Monday- Celebrating Our Community: Prayer Service, Walter Reed USO Donations*, Dress as a Community Helper
Tuesday - Celebrating Our Students: Dress Down Day if you received a blue coupon for going to Mass today in uniform; PE uniforms for everyone if not at Mass, Dance Parties in PE class, lunch dessert treat, no homework night!
Wednesday - Celebrating Our Nation: bring in Walter Reed USO Donations*, virtual tours of locations in the USA
Thursday - Celebrating Vocations and Staff: Dress up as any holiday!
Friday - Celebrating Our Faculty, Parents, and Volunteers: blue and white/STM accessories, fun shoes, Mass (we will pray for our VIPs instead of having them attend in person), STM Bingo*
*Book Fair - I will email a list of books I'd love to have for the classroom, and if you're able to have your student purchase one for the room during the shopping times (before and after school, at lunch) I'd be very appreciative!
*USO Donations - 6th Grade is asked to donate magazines, puzzle books, markers and pens to resupply. These items are available at any grocery store in the magazine and school supply aisle. Thank you!
*STM Bingo! - bring 24 nickels, dimes, quarters - for bingo markers - collected and donated to the IHM Sisters, founders of STM. Please send them in a plastic ziplock bag.
Homeroom News:
Blue conduct interims went home, stapled to your student's green sheet. Any missing work also has a detention slip for Tuesday that will be removed once the missing work is completed. You should SEE the hustle on Mondays to get work signed off. (If only the hustle had hustled in a more timely manner, then there wouldn't be the detention slip.) Please sign and return the blue interim this week. Classroom supply request: We need more board games. I have two sets of Battleship and one set of Connect Four, a set of UNO and a set of Apples to Apples. Please consider picking up a game (that can be easily played and cleaned up in 40 minutes or less) for the classroom, or sending $20 and I'll buy a game for the room. I could use Yahtzee, Go!, Connect Four, Game of Life, Chess, Boggle, Checkers, Game of Things, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, other boxed card games. Remember, every $10 you spend counts toward 1 volunteer hour! Thank you so much in advance!
Academic News:
No major tests this week, Reading 6 will take a Vocab in Action quiz on Friday on List 8.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Morgan