Auction Spotlight

Do you love to host? Do you have a hobby or talent you'd love to share with other fellow STM parents? Then a sign-up party is just the way for you to contribute to the Auction!  From tea parties to barbecues, from poolside pilates to wine nights, these events are a unique part of our Auction offerings. If you are interested, please contact the Auction Committee members below!
Teacher/Staff Donations Lead: Khuyen Mai
Parent/Sign-Up Parties Lead: Carla Plaza
We continue to seek sponsors and donations for the Auction. Check out the Auction website for more details on sponsorship opportunities and how to donate.

For questions, please reach out to the following Auction Committee members:
Sponsorship Lead: Elizabeth Doherty
Business Donations Lead: Mimi Kifle
For general questions, please email
Thanks for supporting this major STM fundraiser!