Message from Fr. Posey

Dear Families,
When I was a child, we had this large Santa lawn ornament; at least it was large to my younger self. Every December, out he came to grace our front yard. I loved Santa. Santa didn’t belong outside in the cold; he belonged with me in the warm house! So every year, without fail, I dragged that Santa inside. I wanted him
nearby. Even though I knew it wasn’t the real Santa, just having him in the house made me happy and longing for Christmas Day.
Wouldn’t it be great to have that same feeling about Jesus? We set up our nativity scenes, carefully placing the wise men along the “road” to Bethlehem; keeping the infant Jesus safe, but out of the crib until Christmas morning. Shouldn’t we bring Christ into our homes too? Shouldn’t we get that same excitement knowing that our Savior will be born soon?
I still have that Santa. He’s in my room now as I write this. This Christmas let us bring Christ into our hearts. Let Him live in the light of our lives. Keeping Him close, like my childhood Santa, will bring you more happiness, more peace and yes, more joy than any box beneath the tree.
On behalf of my brother priests, our deacon, sister, faculty and staff, I wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas. Whether your celebrations be large or small, whether your family be near or far, know that regardless of your situation, Christ is with us.
God bless,
Fr. Posey