Counselor's Connection

IMPROVE the Moment

Distress Tolerance Skills

Distressing situations do not always have quick solutions. When this is the case, there might be no choice but to sit with uncomfortable emotions and wait for them to pass. The IMPROVE acronym outlines skills for improving the moment, making it easier to tolerate these situations.

I- Imagery
Imagine a peaceful place far from your worries. What are the sights, sounds, and smells you notice? Alternatively, vividly envision the best possible resolution of your current challenge.
M- Meaning
Is there any meaning you can find or create from your situation? Reflect on ways you can use your current experience to gain insight or help others.
P- Prayer
Use prayer to accept what you cannot control or seek guidance on navigating a difficult situation.
R- Relaxation
Find a quiet place where you can practice a relaxation technique of your choice. If you notice your attention wandering back to your worries, gently bring it back to your practice.
O- One thing in the moment
Immerse yourself in a simple or repetitive activity that required your full engagement. This could be a household chore or a mental task like counting or memorizing.

V- Vacation
Take a short break from your worries and do something fun or nourishing. This can refresh you and lead to a fresh perspective when you resume your day.

E- Encouragement
Practice being your own best advocate by repeating words of support to yourself. Be sure to select a phrase that feels authentic and motivates you to keep going.