Curriculum Corner

IXL in Language Arts and Math: A Resource for Home and School

I feel especially privileged to work at a school where curriculum is consistently being monitored, changes are made at a pace that works FOR students, and as a parent, that the individuality of my children are known, respected, and celebrated.

In that regard, we “tested” IXL as a resource for individualized language arts and math instruction last year and found that it was a useful tool to both teachers and students. Your child has been given the opportunity to sign in from grade levels K-8 (with a few 8th grade exceptions, notably the Geometry class) and this week are working on taking the Diagnostic Assessment if they have not already done so. 

What does this mean for students?

IXL is a systematic way to work on both assigned and individualized assignments in Language Arts and Math so that the skills they need are sharpened. This platform also allows students to practice working on Math and Language Arts subject matters on a computer, which is how they take standardized tests for the Diocese. In turn, this lowers anxiety about our assessments. When students feel more comfortable, we find that the results of said assessments actually match what we are seeing in the classroom!

What does this mean for teachers?

IXL is a tool used to measure student growth which is already differentiated based upon the ability level of students. This allows teachers to see, more in-depth than formative and standardized assessments, skills that their students need to brush up, whether that be an individual, a group of 5 students, or the entire class.  Teachers are able to correlate it to standards within our math series and ensure student skills are sharp/allow time to review to continually build upon the base of math/grammar and language use knowledge.

Please note that this is a supplemental resource–teachers are not required to assign lessons within this platform.

Why should I care about this as a parent?

In my house, we are often looking at wonderful apps and websites to support learning that are also fun to use. This gives you a safe, already school-approved option for when the words, “I’m bored” come out of your child’s mouth. IXL also provides you a glimpse into multiple math skills and how well your child is able to demonstrate their understanding. Perfect activities for waiting for a sibling’s practice to end, add extra practice when you know your child is struggling with a concept, and/or may be assigned as differentiated homework!

I hope you find IXL as useful as we, the teachers, have. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have HERE.

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