Curriculum Corner


Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Catholic Schools Week is one of the most exciting weeks of the school year! Who wouldn’t jump with glee for Dress Down Days, appreciating different members of our community each day, a no homework night, dance parties, student led prayer services, trivia and games, virtual field trips, and so much MORE?

As a parent and an employee of the school, I am so grateful for our teachers. They continually model the love, patience, and wisdom of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ. Their enthusiasm for the children they work with and the curriculum they teach is evident through every word and deed. In fact, just this week, we have two major PBL (Project Based Learning) opportunities in the school: Student Led STEM Day (5th Grade) and Colonial Fair (7th grade)!

Yesterday, we celebrated our students that fill the halls with joy, noise, and are the reason that all of the faculty and staff are here. Thank you, parents, for providing us with the opportunity to work with your child(ren). I hope that you will join me over the next few days to appreciate the staff, teachers, and administrators that make Catholic education at Saint Thomas More Cathedral School so engaging. As Deacon said in the homily Sunday, these people are miracle workers: humble, hard working, and looking out for the best for our community of lifelong learners. With the support of our Pastor, Rector, Parochial Vicar, Administration, Teachers, Staff, and all of you, Saint Thomas More Cathedral School continues to show that we learn MORE, do MORE, serve MORE, and live our message of love and charity MORE.