Curriculum Corner


Q: Would you please elaborate on the following for the Curriculum Guidelines:


1. What areas/subjects are being addressed?
2. Who are the parties involved?
3. Will parents and/or the PTO be consulted as part of the review?
4. How will this update inform the STM strategic plan process?
  1. Curriculum Guidelines are reviewed every 5-8 years at the Diocesan level. Math was last reviewed in 2019. Religion is currently being reviewed. 
  2. Leslie Lopovski, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, leads the review process. This process also includes hand-picked teachers from multiple schools in the Diocese who are known for being masters of their craft in the particular subject. By inviting these master teachers to review the current curriculum, the Diocese ensures vertical alignment, input from those who are actually teaching the subjects, and allows for discussion to continually improve upon the fabulous education your children are receiving.
  3. There is no parent or PTO participation, as it is reviewed at a Diocesan level, not the school level. *Note: Many of the teachers who are selected have been or are currently parents within the Diocesan Schools.
  4. In terms of the strategic plan, the tweaks made to the curriculum do not necessarily change the plan. The schools have some autonomy in selecting the textbooks and supplementary materials used to teach the guidelines. When curriculum is updated, the teachers then realign their texts and materials to ensure that the newest guidelines are upheld.
The Diocesan Guidelines are considered the minimum standards for the education a child receives in the Diocese of Arlington. In many grades and subject areas, STM exceeds these standards through the differentiation within the classroom. This differentiation occurs through structured blocks, such as our Daily 5 times, and also through modification of assignments, extra review time, and extensions of projects for those who have already met the criteria.