Curriculum Corner

Dear STM families,

It is a great privilege to serve in a new position this year: Curriculum Coordinator. In this role, I support student achievement by analyzing data, providing resources that best meet student needs, and guide teachers through coaching, research, and ensuring we fulfill and exceed the diocesan guidelines from pre-kindergarten all the way through eighth grade.

For those of you whom I have not met, I am a mother to three girls - two attend STM plus a future Royal! Professionally, I have taught kindergarten, first grade, second grade, Technology PK-8th, and served as the Technology Coordinator since I began at STM in 2009. I graduated with a Master of Education degree in Administration and Supervision from Marymount in May 2020. It is my honor to provide students and faculty with the tools to accomplish learning goals, and I am thrilled to do that as Curriculum Coordinator this year.

You will see a short blurb from me each week in September to acclimate you to the lingo of STM’s curriculum. Thank you for the opportunity to to serve your children, your children’s teachers, and you, the parents. Please feel free to direct any curriculum questions my way at [email protected].

Mrs. Emily Stocker, M.Ed.

Curriculum Coordinator

Saint Thomas More Cathedral School