Notes from the Nurse about Masks, Water Bottles and 7th Grade Booster Shots

Replacement masks:
Please remember that if your child is wearing surgical masks to school each day that your student should have a backup supply of extra clean/dry masks in his or her backpack to change a wet or soiled mask.
Water Bottles:
As you may remember, the school water fountains are not available for drinking from this year. Through the generosity of you parents, we have been able to replace most of them with bottle filling stations! Please ensure your student has a water bottle at school. The middle school students in particular seem to be regularly visiting the clinic for water cups.
Rising 7th Graders Need a Booster:
Rising 7th grade students will need proof of their TDAP booster in order to start 7th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. Please ensure you schedule a physical for your rising seventh grader and submit this documentation under vaccine record in Magnus.